1 2mg per lb. every 8 hours for a 10lb dog
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How much benadryl should i give my 3 lb.
DISCLAIMER: This page Links you to Articles and Protocol areas which contain important information. Please do NOT accept the
11.07.2009 · i have to give my dog 1 mg. of benadryl per 1 lb. of body weight. she weighs 3 lbs. how much should i give
Are Champix Side Effects Putting Your Health at Risk? | Mar 26, 2013 | Female patient, 56 years of age, was diagnosed with hypertension and took Champix 1 Mg, 2x/day
09.08.2008 · Best Answer: If it only contains diphenhydramine as the active ingredient,then yes,it is OK.The dosage is 1 mg. per lb of body weight every 8-12 hours,so
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1 2mg per lb. every 8 hours for a 10lb dog
1 2mg per lb. every 8 hours for a 10lb dog
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